San Antonio Construction Debris Removal

San Antonio Construction Debris Removal

When to Schedule Construction Debris Removal

With any building project, construction debris removal is a major headache. No two people agree on when this pile of leftover building material should be taken to the dump. The answer depends on two issues, space and personal preference. The three most common post-construction clean-up times are weekly, once a month and at the end of the project. All three of these work for the right job and contractor.


Removing the rubbish weekly keeps loads small and manageable. This is especially important when space is at a premium and there is no place to store waste material. Small building or remodeling projects are perfect opportunities to schedule weekly construction debris removal with an experienced company. That company will stop by the construction site once a week, load up whatever trash there is and haul it away.

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Construction Debris Removal


Monthly post-construction clean-up is cheaper as labor costs and transportation fees are less. Companies offering this service may bring equipment to help workers load the lumber, drywall and other materials. Only one trip to the dumpsite is required saving time and fuel.

End of Project

Busy contractors with space like post-construction clean-up. Hardworking builders do not need to take time away from their over packed schedules to address this issue. In addition, these experienced people know they may need a small scrap of wood or piece of drywall to make a repair.

Keeping building materials handy until the job is complete assures easy access to any supplies needed. A company specializing in post-construction clean-up enthusiastically embraces opportunities to move piles of trash. Contractors are often surprised to discover it cost so little to have someone else take care of this problem. All it takes is one telephone call, an inspection of the pile and an okay to transfer the dilemma to someone else.

Everyone knows when it is time for construction debris removal. It may be weekly, if the project is small or short on space, monthly to save labor costs and transportation fees or when the project is done. Having a professional handle this chore may be less expensive than doing it yourself.

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